Act to Protect Families, Cut Funding for Detention and Deportations

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From Church World Service ( As Congress debates how to end the partial government shutdown, it is critical that we urge them to reopen the government, without endangering our immigrant neighbors. The administration has undertaken a deliberately cruel and dehumanizing strategy of unjust … Continued

181 Nations Just Voted to Help Refugees. Only the Far-Right United States and Hungary Voted “No”

Posted at Published on Monday, December 17, 2018 by Common Dreams The Global Compact on Refugees aims to provide a better global framework to respond to the crisis By Andrea Germanos, staff writer Migrants gather outside a temporary shelter … Continued

Immigrant Children and the Underpinning of Cruelty

Posted at By David Elliot December 17, 2018 By now you’ve probably heard about the 7-year-old Guatemalan girl who died in U.S. Border Patrol custody last week. The death of Jakelin Caal was announced last Thursday by U.S. Customs and … Continued

‘Not Your Average Demonstration’: Faith Leaders Arrested Demanding Demilitarization of US Border

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Published on Tuesday, December 11, 2018 by Common Dreams “In the face of unfounded fear, racism, and violence, courageous action is necessary.” By Julia Conley, staff writer At least 32 faith leaders were arrested at the U.S.-Mexico … Continued

Say No to Funding for Family Separation or Imprisonment

From Moms Rising ( As many of us were winding down holiday celebrations, we were horrified to see photos of our government tear gassing mothers and toddlers who are seeking asylum at our border. The cruelty is breathtaking. Our country … Continued