Support the 30×30 Resolution to Save Nature

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From Creation Justice Ministries ( We invite you to support the 30×30 resolution to save nature. This resolution aims by 2030 to protect 30% of God’s lands and ocean under U.S. stewardship. Take action at This ambitious conservation feat … Continued

Environmentally Conscious Activities During School Closures and Social Distancing

From PennEnvironment ( People across the country are facing weeks of social distancing. While this is a challenging time, it doesn’t have to be idle or boring. PennEnvironment brainstormed some meaningful ways to continue supporting a cleaner and greener future … Continued

Tell Our Senators to Support Resolution to Protect Our Oceans

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From PennEnvironment ( Marine life is suffering, ocean temperatures are rising, and we’re losing entire marine ecosystems. Our oceans need our help.1 Now, a new resolution could provide a starting point. The Thirty by Thirty Resolution to Save Nature sets … Continued