U.S. Supreme Court Rejects GOP Appeal Over Changes to Congressional Map

Posted at http://www.witf.org/news/2018/10/us-supreme-court-rejects-another-gop-appeal-over-changes-to-congressional-map.php Written by Emily Previti/Keystone Crossroads | Oct 30, 2018 5:37 AM (Harrisburg) — The U.S. Supreme Court has declined to consider another appeal by Republican state lawmakers over this year’s changes to Pennsylvania’s congressional district map. With … Continued

Sign Petition to Keep Money Out of PA Politics

From Conservation Voters of PA (http://www.conservationpa.org): This week, our friends at Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania released an updated edition of their Marcellus Money report, showing how campaign contributions from oil and gas drillers undermine the environment, health, and democracy of … Continued

Shouldering More Than $1.5 Trillion in Debt, Majority of Young Americans Back Free College Tuition and Medicare for All

Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2018/10/24/shouldering-more-15-trillion-debt-majority-young-americans-back-free-college-tuition Published on Wednesday, October 24, 2018 by Common Dreams “If you put an initiative on the ballot to forgive (or have the government pay off) this debt, it would make showing up and winning on Election Day … Continued

Does Your Candidate Support Protections for Preexisting Conditions?

From Families USA (http://www.familiesusa.org): With election season in full swing, candidates are hitting the campaign trail speaking to issues that are important to voters. We know that health care, and specifically protections for people with preexisting conditions, is a top … Continued

A Citizenship Question Will Hurt Us All

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/10/01/citizenship-question-will-hurt-us/#.W7UFBntKgdU By Lecia Imbery October 1, 2018 On September 30, The New York Times published an opinion piece written by William Frey, a demographer, professor, and fellow at the Brookings Institution, about the Trump Administration’s efforts to include a citizenship question … Continued

Download Voter E-Guide to Help Protect From Online Manipulation and False News…

To help fight online political misinformation and false news, which has already resurfaced in the 2018 midterm elections, the Center for Digital Democracy (CDD) has produced a short e-guide to help voters understand how online media platforms can be hijacked to fan … Continued