Hearing for Lancaster Pipeline Protesters Cancelled at Last Minute

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From Lancaster Against Pipelines (http://www.wearelancastercounty.org/): Late last week we received word that LAP’s highly anticipated court hearing, scheduled for yesterday, was cancelled. The purpose of the hearing was to give LAP an opportunity to present a Justification Defense for our … Continued

Faith Leaders and Organizations: Sign on to Affirm Support for Welcoming Vulnerable Families

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From Church World Service (http://www.churchworldservice.org): The administration is considering a proposal that would turn away families fleeing violence in Central America and block access to asylum, as the caravan of families fleeing violence, desperation, and persecution journey to find safety. Blocking vulnerable people … Continued

Sign Petition to Keep Money Out of PA Politics

From Conservation Voters of PA (http://www.conservationpa.org): This week, our friends at Conservation Voters of Pennsylvania released an updated edition of their Marcellus Money report, showing how campaign contributions from oil and gas drillers undermine the environment, health, and democracy of … Continued

Comment Now to Protect Worker Rights to Organize and Collective Bargaining

posted in: Uncategorized, Workers | 0

From the Economic Policy Institute (http://www.epi.org/): The National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) under the current administration is attempting to roll back critical protections for working people, attacking workers’ rights to organize and collectively bargain. In a new proposed rule, the … Continued

Resources from Around the Coalition: Health Care, Tax Cuts, Affordable Housing, and More

Posted at https://www.chn.org/2018/10/25/resources-from-around-the-coalition-health-care-tax-cuts-affordable-housing-and-more/#.W9HQMHtKgdU By CHN October 25, 2018 Editor’s note: The following piece was written by Makenna Whitworth, CHN’s Fall 2018 intern. MaKenna is a senior majoring in political science at Brigham Young University. Election Day is less than two weeks away, … Continued