Tell Our Senators to Pass the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill

Thanks to the ELCA for this alert—and you don’t need to be Lutheran to act!

Bipartisanship is working! Your calls on bipartisan infrastructure bill are needed.

After months of intense negotiations, the Senate agreed to open debate on a multibillion dollar bipartisan infrastructure framework. Now Senators will work to advance the negotiated priorities into legislative language (the actual bill) to be voted on before Senators leave for August Recess. This vote represents more than roads and bridges, it demonstrates that policy makers—working together—can address the big challenges our nation faces.

ELCA social teaching recognizes that infrastructure investments can promote the wellbeing of communities and the environment. The ELCA social statement on Sufficient, Sustainable Livelihood for All (1999) states, “Government and the private sector also must invest in health, education, and infrastructures necessary for sustainable development. When people and resources are connected in ways that multiply their power and effectiveness, this will help bring about productive results and meaningful participation in community and economic life.”

There are many sources for what these Senators have agreed to move forward. If passed and signed into law, this infrastructure investment would make possible more robust rural broadband access, improved electric grid reliability, environmental protection (including water remediation); deployment of innovative energy technologies, electric vehicle and charging stations investments; and create jobs with competitive pay across the country.

Much more work remains to be done to address profound human needs and support a robust recovery. In many ways, this is the just the beginning of a marathon to secure investments that will positively touch nearly every community in America. But this productive step forward means our voices are needed more than ever to encourage continued bipartisan collaboration.

Call our Senators today and tell them to pass the bipartisan infrastructure bill. You can contact your members by calling the Capitol Switchboard at (202) 224-3121. Tell the operator your state and the member you wish to speak to in order to connect with their office. Alternatively, you can contact them directly—find contact information:

Sample Script:

Hello, my name is ________ and I am (name faith affiliation if you wish) and a constituent. I want to express my support for bi-partisan infrastructure legislation and encourage my Senator to continue working with both republicans and democrats now and in the future. If the Senator voted in favor of moving forward, please pass on my appreciation. If not, I hope the Senator will VOTE YES once the bill comes to the floor for a vote!

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