PCCY Helps Families Get Health Insurance in Every Language

From Public Citizens for Children and Youth (http://www.pccy.org): NOTE: This covers the southeastern Pennsylvania region. All families in our region should be able access critical information during this health crisis to get the services and support they may need. That’s … Continued

Submit Your Comment: Tell the Administration Not to Shrink the Poverty Line—by Midnight June 21

From the Coalition on Human Needs (http://www.chn.org): Right now, the Administration is trying to quietly change the way we define poverty. Each year the poverty line—the income amount that defines who is and isn’t in poverty—is adjusted for inflation. The … Continued

New Report: 2020 Census Has Big Consequences for Healthcare in PA

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network (http://www.pahealthaccess.org): The 2020 Census will be critically important to the future of Pennsylvania, and even a minor undercount would have dire implications that would last for at least a decade. The Commonwealth receives $26 … Continued

Bridging the Gap Between SNAP & Medical Assistance Enrollment in Pennsylvania

From the Community Action Association of Pennsylvania (http://www.thecaap.org): In Pennsylvania, there are almost 2 million citizens who receive medical assistance and qualify for SNAP (supplemental nutrition assistance program). Out of that 2 million, only 62% receive both SNAP and medical … Continued

PPC Posts Annual State of Children’s Health Care

From Pennsylvania Partnerships for Children (http://www.papartnerships.org): Each year, PPC compiles the State of Children’s Health Care data to track children’s health indicators in Pennsylvania as it relates to the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA) and monitors changes over … Continued