Act to Stop Partisan Attempt to Rewrite Pennsylvania’s Constitution

From Common Cause (

Extremists in the Pennsylvania Senate want to impose their agenda on our whole state – and they’re using a major loophole to sneak it through. We need your help to expose them and fight back.

These lawmakers are trying to overrule the voice of the people by sneaking through constitutional amendments to limit voting rights, bog down our elections in needless bureaucracy, and seize unearned power over our state government.

If you agree that’s not right, send a message today to your state senator and demand that they STOP this partisan attempt to rewrite our Commonwealth’s Constitution at

Last year, right-wing lawmakers pulled every dirty trick in the book to push these amendments through – tacking them on to unrelated bills at the last minute, then passing them in the middle of the night with no public input.

These amendments need to go through again this year before they go to the ballot– but if we don’t act now, they’ll pull the same dirty tricks again this year.

Already, two of these anti-voter amendments have passed out of committee, including strict Voter ID and creating a whole new agency for the sole purpose of chasing down election conspiracy theories.

These were passed after mere minutes of deliberation, without inviting experts, advocates, or the public to give their input.

They’re trying to attach these anti-democracy changes to unrelated and broadly popular proposals, so they can sneak it in under the radar without anyone noticing. We won’t be fooled.

We still have a chance to strike these amendments down before they go any further – but we have to act fast. If they successfully sneak this one by us, this extreme right-wing wish list could go on the ballot as soon as this spring.

Now is the time to let our lawmakers know that we won’t let them get away with this dangerous abuse of our amendment process. Send a letter to your State Senator today >>

This baseless attempt to undermine our democracy must be stopped – we hope you’ll join me in speaking out today.

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