Despite Rightwing Fearmongering, Experts Say Now Is the Time to Expand Social Security

Posted at Published on Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Common Dreams “Social Security is a solution to our looming retirement income crisis, the increasing economic squeeze on middle-class families, and the perilous and growing income and wealth inequality.” By … Continued

For Minimum Decency, A Maximum Wage

Posted at Published on Monday, June 04, 2018 by Amid rising inequality, a new book argues, the notion of capping income has suddenly become politically plausible. By Sam Pizzigati “Income and wealth have concentrated to a degree unimaginable … Continued

Urge Your Representative to Cosponsor Bill to Stop Seismic Exploration in the Arctic

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( Imperiled polar bears denning and rearing their young on the Arctic Refuge coastal plain just received a terrible blow. The Washington Post1 reported that the Trump administration is considering a plan to conduct 3-dimensional seismic exploration … Continued