Human Services Secretary Participates in SNAP Challenge to Highlight Food Insecurity, Importance of SNAP for Pennsylvanians

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Harrisburg, PA – Human Services Secretary Teresa Miller today announced that from September 24-28, she will take the SNAP Challenge to highlight Hunger Action Month, the importance of food access, and the prevalence of food insecurity across Pennsylvania. The week … Continued

Public Charge Proposal: A ‘Sicker, Hungrier, Poorer Nation’

Posted at By CHN September 24, 2018 Deborah Weinstein, Executive Director of the Coalition on Human Needs, issued the following statement Monday in response to the Trump Administration’s proposed Department of Homeland Security Public Charge rule regarding immigrants: “The Administration’s … Continued

Preemption is Popping Up Again in Pennsylvania—Act to Stop It

From PathWays PA ( While it’s back to school for many of us, it’s back to work for Pennsylvania’s full-time legislature – which means some legislators are (once again) trying to overturn Philadelphia’s paid sick and safe days law passed … Continued

New Report: Black Youth Continue to be Sent to Adult Courts and Jails at Alarmingly High Rates

From the Campaign for Youth Justice ( Campaign for Youth Justice, National Association of Social Workers urge reforms WASHINGTON, D.C. (Sept. 24, 2018)– Juvenile arrest rates have fallen sharply in recent years, but black youth are disproportionately sent to adult court … Continued