Add Your Name: Stop the Needless Review of the 2020 Election in Pennsylvania

From Common Cause ( Some members of the PA legislature are still raising concerns about the 2020 election. Those behind this scheme are now holding hearings in the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee. The Committee has refused even basic transparency about … Continued

Tell PA General Assembly to Support Participation in Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative

posted in: Environment, Uncategorized | 0

From the Clean Air Council ( Pennsylvania is about to take a major step to limit carbon pollution produced by Pennsylvania power plants by joining a market-based program called the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative (RGGI). In 11 states, RGGI has … Continued

‘A Win for Civil Rights’: Federal Judge Blocks Florida GOP’s Anti-Protest Law

Posted at The court’s decision, said a coalition of civil rights groups, “serves as a powerful reminder that such unjust and unconstitutional efforts cannot stand.” KENNY STANCIL September 10, 2021 Civil liberties and racial justice advocates are celebrating after a … Continued

‘Vaccination Works’: CDC Study Shows Unvaxxed 11 Times More Likely to Die of Covid

posted in: COVID-19, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at “The bottom line is this: We have the scientific tools we need to turn the corner on this pandemic.” JAKE JOHNSON September 10, 2021 A study published Friday by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention shows that … Continued

Tell Congress to Pass Comprehensive Paid Family and Medical Leave This Year

From Moms Rising ( It’s go time. Within the next three weeks the U.S. Congress could finally, finally, pass comprehensive paid family and medical leave, but only if we keep the pressure on and keep it hot. Go to … Continued

Tell DHS Secretary to #ShutDownBerks Once and for All

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 2

From the #ShutDownBerks Coalition ( Please tell Secretary Mayorkas and the Biden administration to shut down the Berks immigrant prison once and for all by signing the pre-populated letter at which will then be automatically emailed to the listed … Continued

Historic Moment for Paid Leave Legislation—Tell Congress to Keep Paid Leave in Build Back Better

From Family Values @ Work ( This week, the US House of Representatives Ways & Means Committee gave shape to President Biden’s Build Back Better bill. We were proud to see paid family and medical leave for all as its … Continued

Turning Back Asylum Seekers is Against the Law, Court Finds

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

Posted at Posted by Karolina Walters | Sep 7, 2021 A federal court concluded Thursday that the U.S. government’s turning back of asylum seekers at ports of entry along the U.S.-Mexico border—primarily through a practice called metering—not only violates U.S. law, but also … Continued