Philadelphia Ends Controversial Contract With ICE & Expands Its “Sanctuary City” Status

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From Juntos ( The city of Philadelphia has taken a historic step towards limiting Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) arsenal for hunting down immigrants and tearing apart families. Mayor Jim Kenney has announced the end to ICE’s access to the … Continued

Government Misses Deadline to Reunite Families; CWS Decries Family Separation and Incarceration

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CWS decries family separation and incarceration, reaffirms dignity of all seeking asylum Washington, D.C. – In light of the government’s failure to reunite separated immigrant children with their families by today’s court-ordered deadline, Rev. John L. McCullough, President and CEO of … Continued

Quaker Lobby Warns House Homeland Security Budget Advances Family Separation and Detention

From Friends Committee on National Legislation ( July 26, 2018 Washington, DC (July 26, 2018) – The Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) criticized the full committee passage of the Department of Homeland Security’s spending bill for fiscal year 2019. … Continued

Counties Cancel ICE Detention Contracts

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By David Bacon The American Prospect, July 18, 2018 But advocates want detainees freed, not sent to for-profit jails Most Latina teenagers celebrate their a quinceañera, or 15th birthday, with parties and dances. Sometimes their families even rent … Continued

Extension of TPS Without Redesignation Sends Newly Arrived Somalis Back to Al-Shabab

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition ( Secretary Nielsen Fails to Protect Vulnerable TPS Holders Yet Again Washington, D.C. – Church World Service joins Somali TPS holders and their families in welcoming the 18-month extension for the 250 beneficiaries of this … Continued

Three New Jersey Counties Raking in Millions on Immigration Crackdown

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Posted at July 13, 2018 By Kelly Heyboer | NJ Advance Media for Some of New Jersey’s biggest county governments are taking in millions of dollars by holding detained immigrants for the federal government as the Trump administration … Continued