8 in 10 People Worldwide Fear ‘Catastrophic’ Climate Change: Poll

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Posted at https://www.commondreams.org/news/2017/05/25/8-10-people-worldwide-fear-catastrophic-climate-change-poll Published on Thursday, May 25, 2017 by Common Dreams Majority of respondents say ready to change lifestyles to prevent environmental calamity By Nadia Prupis, staff writer Many people now see climate change as a bigger threat than … Continued

PA Township Takes On Climate Change

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Posted at http://www.publicnewsservice.org/2017-05-25/climate-change-air-quality/pa-township-takes-on-climate-change/a57837-1 May 25, 2017 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Municipalities can take steps such as installing solar streetlights to reduce carbon emissions. (HeyouRelax/Pixabay) FERGUSON TOWNSHIP, Penn. — It takes a village … Continued

Send a Message to Congress—Oppose Drilling in the Arctic Refuge

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From the Alaska Wilderness League (http://www.alaskawild.org): It could be “game over” for the Arctic Refuge. President Trump’s 2018 budget proposal has been released, and it includes opening the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling. This is the first step … Continued