Urge Your Rep to Cosponsor the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

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From the National Wildlife Federation (https://www.nwf.org/): Last year some leaders in Washington, D.C., backed by special interests, took actions that harmed thousands of wildlife species already at risk of extinction from habitat loss, disease and a host of other challenges. … Continued

Choose Clean Water Coalition Introduces Equity Quarterly Tools, Young Professionals of Color Mentorship Program

From the Choose Clean Water Coalition (http://www.choosecleanwater.org): In celebration of Black History Month, the Choose Clean Water Coalition has kicked-off its first set of Equity Quarterly Tools. Each quarter, CCWC will update this document with tools, events, webinars, grants, and … Continued

Tell Congress NO on Legislation That Would Decimate Our Public Lands

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From the League of Conservation Voters (https://www.lcv.org/): Right now, Trump’s allies in Congress are pushing THREE terrible anti-parks bills that could cause irreparable damage to our public lands. These bills seek to cement and expand the Trump administration’s unprecedented attacks … Continued

EDF Report: PA Oil & Gas Methane Emissions Nearly 5 Times Higher Than State Inventory

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Posted: 15 Feb 2018 08:13 AM PST at http://paenvironmentdaily.blogspot.com/2018/02/edf-report-pa-oil-gas-methane-emissions.html Methane emissions from Pennsylvania’s oil and gas sites may be 522,400 tons a year rather than the 112,100 tons oil and gas companies report to the Department of Environmental Protection, according … Continued