Report: PA Lacks Universal Policy for Voting in Jails

Posted at September 15, 2021 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window HARRISBURG, Pa. – Many Pennsylvania county jails don’t have clear policies to support voting access for people in jails, according to a new … Continued

With Virtual Forum, Get to Know PA Judicial Candidates on Nov. Ballot

Posted at September 14, 2021 – Emily Scott, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvanians will vote this November to elect judges in the state’s three appellate courts, and a virtual candidate forum next week … Continued

Add Your Name: Stop the Needless Review of the 2020 Election in Pennsylvania

From Common Cause ( Some members of the PA legislature are still raising concerns about the 2020 election. Those behind this scheme are now holding hearings in the Senate Intergovernmental Relations Committee. The Committee has refused even basic transparency about … Continued

Sign Petition to Senate: Pass the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Voting rights in our country are under attack. The John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, H.R.4, is an important step towards creating national voting standards―ensuring that our voices are heard equally at the ballot … Continued

‘Democracy for Sale’: Analysis Ties Corporate Consolidation to Increased Lobbying

Posted at “Monopoly is a threat to representative democracy—and that protecting our democracy requires effective antitrust.” JESSICA CORBETT August 25, 2021 An analysis published Wednesday about corporate consolidation and political lobbying in the United States found that large mergers—particularly in Big Tech, … Continued

Legislative Reapportionment Commission Votes to End Prison Gerrymandering

From Fair Districts PA ( The Legislative Reapportionment Commission (LRC) voted 3 to 2 this week in favor of a resolution to reallocate prison data to count incarcerated people in their home communities. According to the resolution, introduced by House Minority Leader … Continued

Write Letter to the Editor in Support of Fixing the Filibuster, Passing For the People Act

From Common Cause ( Voting rights are under attack all over the country. Look no further than Texas — where Republicans are attempting to muscle through legislation to ban 24-hour and drive-through voting, increase criminal penalties for election workers, and … Continued

Sign Petition to Stop Gerrymandering Nationwide

From Common Cause ( Sign the Petition at Don’t let partisan politicians gerrymander our new voting district maps! Redistricting processes in every state must be transparent and put the voices of our communities first >> The new district maps … Continued

Family of John Lewis Joins Demand That Biden Kill Filibuster to Defend Voting Rights

Posted at “If President Biden and Senator Schumer truly care about ending the war on voting rights they have to use their political will to abolish the filibuster and pass the For the People Act immediately,” said one organizer. … Continued