Faith Leader Letter to Governor Wolf Calling on Him to Use Reprieve to Bring Elderly and Vulnerable Incarcerated People Home—Deadline COB 4/9/20

Please consider adding your name to a letter to Governor Wolf (below) calling on him to issue reprieves or temporarily suspend the sentences of elderly and vulnerable incarcerated persons most at risk from the coronavirus. SIGNATURES ARE NEEDED BY CLOSE … Continued

Tell PA Legislators TODAY—Choose Lives, Not Money

From We the People PA ( Sadly, some Pennsylvania legislators are pushing forward legislation this week to override Governor Wolf’s necessary closure of businesses in order to protect our health and lives.   Please use our online tool at … Continued

Urge the Administration to Reopen the Affordable Care Act Marketplace

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( This week, the Administration announced that it has decided NOT to reopen the Affordable Care Act marketplace, which would have made it possible for people who are uninsured to access health coverage. In … Continued

Tell Congress—Include Child Care in Next Relief Package to Protect Stability of Programs

From Moms Rising ( Every morning for the last two weeks I’ve woken up wondering what impact this COVID-19 crisis will have on my toddler’s life along with our entire country. My partner and I are juggling our work schedules … Continued

‘Never Seen Anything Like It’: Economists Warn 6.6 Million New Jobless Claims Portend Unparalleled Crisis

Posted at Published on Thursday, April 02, 2020 by Common Dreams “A portrait of disaster. Unemployment insurance claims for the last two weeks are mind-blowing.” By Jake Johnson, staff writer People wait in line as volunteers distribute food in … Continued