Resources From Around the Coalition: Trump FY19 Budget Edition

Posted at By Lecia Imbery February 22, 2018 On Feb. 12, the Trump administration released its Fiscal Year 2019 budget request. Since then, CHN’s members have been busy analyzing the proposal and pointing out the many ways it would slash … Continued

Urge Your Rep to Cosponsor the Recovering America’s Wildlife Act

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From the National Wildlife Federation ( Last year some leaders in Washington, D.C., backed by special interests, took actions that harmed thousands of wildlife species already at risk of extinction from habitat loss, disease and a host of other challenges. … Continued

New Report Details How Americans Who Have Debt Held by Collection Agencies Can Get Thrown in Jail

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Posted at Published on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 by Common Dreams New ACLU publication looks at how “debt collection industry uses prosecutors and judges as weapons against millions of Americans who can’t afford to pay their bills.” By Andrea … Continued

#NeverAgain: Parkland Students Lead Thousands in Rally to Demand Gun Control Legislation

Posted at Published on Wednesday, February 21, 2018 by Common Dreams “We may be too young to vote, but soon we will be able to vote and we will vote you out!” By Julia Conley, staff writer An estimated … Continued

Report: Low Pay Driving PA Teacher Shortage

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Posted at February 16, 2018 – Andrea Sears, Public News Service (PA) Play Audio in Browser Window Over the next ten years, 20,000 to 25,000 Pennsylvania teachers will retire. (SchoolPRPro/Pixabay) HARRISBURG, Pa. – Low pay is a likely factor … Continued

‘Shame’: 12 Democrats Join With House GOP to Attack Americans With Disabilities Act

Posted at Published on Thursday, February 15, 2018 by Common Dreams “I want us to remember there’s a distinct set of people who made this happen. Lobbyists for shopping malls and hotels and their money. Plus, of course, the … Continued