Introduction of “PA Promise” Bills to Make College Affordable and Boost PA Economy

HARRISBURG — The Keystone Research Center and the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center applaud the introduction of Senate Bill 1111 and House Bill 2444, legislation that would make college free and affordable for Pennsylvania students. Senator Vincent J. Hughes (D-Philadelphia/Montgomery), … Continued

As Planet Chokes on Plastic Waste, UN Report Offers Roadmap to Tackle Global Crisis

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Common Dreams The analysis comes amid warnings that plastic pollution has become “one of our planet’s greatest environmental challenges.”  By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Plastic waste fills a beach on … Continued

Despite Rightwing Fearmongering, Experts Say Now Is the Time to Expand Social Security

Posted at Published on Tuesday, June 05, 2018 by Common Dreams “Social Security is a solution to our looming retirement income crisis, the increasing economic squeeze on middle-class families, and the perilous and growing income and wealth inequality.” By … Continued

For Minimum Decency, A Maximum Wage

Posted at Published on Monday, June 04, 2018 by Amid rising inequality, a new book argues, the notion of capping income has suddenly become politically plausible. By Sam Pizzigati “Income and wealth have concentrated to a degree unimaginable … Continued