Roadmap Charts a New Path for Prosecutors to Reduce Incarceration and Enhance Fairness

December 3, 2018 Principles Released Today Redefine the Role of the 21st Century Prosecutor LOS ANGELES – Today, Fair and Just Prosecution (FJP)– in partnership with Yale Law School Senior Research Scholar Emily Bazelon, The Justice Collaborative and the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University School of … Continued


Posted at By CHN December 4, 2018 Editor’s note: The following piece was written by Makenna Whitworth, CHN’s Fall 2018 intern. Makenna is a senior majoring in political science at Brigham Young University. Orange jumpsuit, shower shoes, and an armband Guilt … Continued

‘Easy to Pay for Something That Costs Less’: New Study Shows Medicare for All Would Save US $5.1 Trillion Over Ten Years

Posted at Published on Friday, November 30, 2018 by Common Dreams “Medicare for All promises a system that is fairer, more efficient, and vastly less expensive than America’s bloated, monopolized, over-priced and under-performing private health insurance system.” By Jake … Continued

Farm Bill Negotiators Announce Agreement in Principle—Keep the Pressure On

From the Food Research and Action Center ( On November 29, Senate and House Agriculture Committee Chairmen Pat Roberts (R-Kan.) and Mike Conaway (R-Texas) and Ranking Members Debbie Stabenow (D-Mich.) and Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) issued a joint statement: “We’re pleased … Continued

Say No to Funding for Family Separation or Imprisonment

From Moms Rising ( As many of us were winding down holiday celebrations, we were horrified to see photos of our government tear gassing mothers and toddlers who are seeking asylum at our border. The cruelty is breathtaking. Our country … Continued

The National Climate Assessment Confirms We Can’t Wait on Federal Climate Action—Act Now

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From the Union of Concerned Scientists ( Last week, the White House released the Fourth National Climate Assessment. This report, which is mandated by Congress, provides the US public with the best available science on climate change and its impacts … Continued