Demand U.S. Steel Invest in Healthy Communities, Clean Air, and Jobs for the Future

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From PennFuture ( In January 2016, PennFuture filed a 60-day notice of intent to sue U.S. Steel because of 6,700 documented air quality violations at U.S. Steel’s Clairton Coke Works facility between January 1, 2012 and May 31, 2015. PennFuture … Continued

Urge Your Representative to Co-Sponsor the Healthy Families Act

From Moms Rising ( When 34 million workers can’t earn a single paid sick day, we have a problem. A big one. That’s why we’re elated that just last week, U.S. Senator Murray and Representative DeLauro reintroduced the Healthy Families … Continued

What’s at Stake for Pennsylvania in the 2020 Census—Take Action to Prevent an Undercount

From the Pennsylvania Health Access Network ( The George Washington University Institute of Public policy has released an updated report detailing what is at stake for Pennsylvania in the 2020 Census. They analyzed 55 federal programs that funnel money to … Continued

Slay the Gerrymander! Enter Your Own PA Redistricting Map (Prizes Available!)–deadline May 31

From Draw the Lines PA ( We are encouraging congregations, adult classes, youth groups, reading groups, and any others in our communities of faith to consider drawing your own Pennsylvania redistricting maps. Draw the Lines PA provides software to help … Continued