#ShutDownBerks Video 2: No Family Should Bury Their Baby Because They Seeked Refuge

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From the #ShutDownBerks Coalition (https://www.facebook.com/ShutDownBerksCoalition/): Detaining families is abusive, but in addition to that we have seen documented case after case of medical neglect and miscare in the Berks County Detention Center. Governor Wolf’s office and the Pennsylvania Department of … Continued

Update on Redistricting Legislation—New Bills Introduced; Statements from Fair Districts PA, Common Cause

From Fair Districts PA (http://www.fairdistrictspa.com): On April 3, Senate Bill 22 was reintroduced by Senators Boscola and Folmer and a bipartisan list of cosponsors. The bill includes amendments negotiated among legislators in the late spring of 2018, minus the Aument … Continued

Tell Members of Congress to Co-Sponsor the NO BAN Act

posted in: Immigration, Uncategorized | 0

From Church World Service (http://www.churchworldservice.org): The administration has repeatedly attacked refugees, asylum seekers, and our Muslim neighbors. Through a series of refugee, asylum, and Muslim bans, the administration has prolonged family separation, undermined our moral and legal obligations to the … Continued

Efforts to Modernize Pa.’s Election System Advance

From PA Voice (https://www.pennsylvaniavoice.org/): Voting security and election reform once again took center stage in Harrisburg last week. Our commonwealth continues to see more activity on these issues than it has in years, and that’s a good thing. Pennsylvania’s “modern” … Continued

New Poll: Vast Majority of Americans Believe Affordable Housing Should Be a Top National Priority

A new national opinion poll released by the Opportunity Starts at Home Campaign shows that the majority of Americans believe that housing affordability is a priority issue for the nation. Among the key findings: 91% of respondents say stable affordable … Continued