Administration Disregarding Science in Rush to Sell Oil and Gas Leases in Arctic Refuge–Make Others Aware

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From the Alaska Wilderness League ( A bombshell of an article was published this morning in Politico, reinforcing what we’ve suspected all along: administration officials have disregarded scientific facts at multiple stages in their rush to sell oil and gas lease sales … Continued

Urge Our Senators to Join the New Environmental Justice Caucus

From Interfaith Partners for the Chesapeake ( Senators Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Tammy Duckworth (D-Ill.) and Tom Carper (D-Del.) have announced the creation of the first ever Senate Environmental Justice Caucus. The purpose of the caucus is to elevate urgent environmental … Continued

Tell Your Representative to Support the Fair Representation Act

From FairVote ( Just a month ago, the Supreme Court ruled that federal courts cannot curb partisan gerrymandering. To address partisan gerrymandering in all congressional districts, the path is clear: Congress must act. That is why we are urging Congress … Continued

Contact Congress to Support Child Nutrition Programs

From ELCA Advocacy ( Summer breaks from school settings often mask a harsh reality for many children in our communities: School is the only place a child might receive a reliable meal during the day. In fact, in the 2017-2018 … Continued

Tell the Senate—Include Gun Safety Research in the Budget

From the Coalition on Human Needs ( Gun violence is a public health epidemic, one that is killing an absurd and increasing number of people every year. Rather than tolerate shooting after shooting — ignoring the toll of mass shootings, … Continued

Front Lines of a Crisis: A Free Clinic and the U.S. Healthcare Struggle

From Faith in Healthcare ( In this week’s article by our editor, also published in National Catholic Reporter, we bypass the abstractions of data and policy proposals to tell the story of the U.S. healthcare crisis from the perspective of … Continued

Submit Comment Opposing Administration’s Latest Attack on SNAP

From the Food Research and Action Center ( SNAP is under attack — again. The administration has issued a proposed rule that would take food assistance away from 3 million people by making them ineligible to participate in the Supplemental … Continued

August Actions to Protect Refugee Resettlement—Day of Action August 3, Faith Leader Sign-On by August 12, and More

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From Church World Service ( Right now, the administration is considering how many refugees to welcome in 2020. Two weeks ago, reports surfaced that some administration officials have proposed resettling zero refugees in 2020 – all during the worst refugee … Continued

‘This Is the Beginning’: New Study Warns Climate Crisis May Have Been Pivotal in Rise of Drug-Resistant Superbug

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Posted at Published on Tuesday, July 23, 2019 by Common Dreams Research argues that deadly Candida auris “may be the first example of a new fungal disease emerging from climate change.” By Jessica Corbett, staff writer Candida auris was first identified in … Continued