Volunteer to Support Ending Gerrymandering—Sign Up to Work at the Polls on May 15

From Fair Districts PA (http://www.fairdistrictspa.com):

Can you help us end gerrymandering and strengthen democracy in Pennsylvania by working a shift at a strategic poll on Primary Day (Tuesday, May 15)? Sign up now at https://actionnetwork.org/forms/volunteer-for-democracy-on-may-15.

Polling place outreach is an essential part of what we do. Last Election Day, volunteers gathered thousands of new sign-ups and over 14,000 signatures for our petition urging state legislators to put voters first by supporting HB 722 & SB 22. All that in one day! And this past Tuesday, volunteers in southwest PA gathered an additional 2,200 signatures working polls during the Special Election.

Volunteering with Fair Districts PA means you’ll be working in a totally nonpartisan capacity. That makes for a truly unique and positive experience because you will be able to connect with voters of all political backgrounds around a shared belief – that voters should choose their politicians, not the other way around.

Read what some of our volunteers from November said was their favorite part of the day:

“Most everyone was nice and willing to chat. It was heartening that so many people were concerned about fairness.” – Chester County volunteer

“Getting a feel for the community, talking with my co-volunteer, and talking to both Republicans and Dems.”  – Wayne County volunteer

“Collecting signatures and realizing that so many people support reform.” – Allegheny County volunteer

Here are a few other things to know:

  • Shifts are 3-4 hours long—no need to be available all day!
  • We will assign you to a strategic poll based on your location and availability.
  • We will provide all the materials and instructions you need to have a successful day.

Sign up to be a polling place volunteer!

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