Urgent Action Needed to Stop H.R. 5203 Restricting Protections for Refugees

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (http://www.interfaithimmigration.org):

House Considering Bill to Severely Restrict Protections for Refugees and Others Fleeing Persecution

Background: This Wednesday, May 25th, the House of Representatives’ Judiciary Committee plans to markup H.R. 5203, the “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016.” This bill would significantly delay or stop altogether family reunification; create new procedures to prevent visa applications from being approved until the review of individuals’ internet postings; require all family member petitions to include expensive DNA testing; and exacerbate already lengthy visa delays by mandating in-person interviews for all immigration applications, including for refugees renewing their green cards. This bill would create insurmountable burdens for refugees to apply for admission to the United States, and would impose discriminatory hurdles on refugees and other immigrants from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Syria, Sudan, and Yemen.

It is critical that all members of the House Judiciary Committee hear from us NOW as they make decisions about this legislation that would jeopardize the lives of refugees, asylees, and immigrants around the world and significantly impair U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum programs.

Call House Judiciary Committee Members TODAY!

Tell them to REJECT H.R. 5203, the “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016”

Ex: “I support refugees and others fleeing violence and persecution, and I urge the Representative to REJECT H.R. 5203, the “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016” that is being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. H.R. 5203 would jeopardize the lives of refugees, asylees, and immigrants around the world and significantly impair U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum programs. It would significantly delay family reunification or permanently separate families forever, and undermine U.S. leadership to protect the most vulnerable. This bill runs counter to our values as Americans and does not represent the welcoming communities around the country. Please oppose H.R. 5203.”

You can also tweet your Members of Congress and your network: .@REPRESENTATIVE, Our community welcomes #refugees & #immigrants. OPPOSE H.R. 5203, the so-called “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016”

Here are the Direct Lines of Judiciary Committee Members (NOTE: PA Representative Tom Marino is on this committee–in bold below):

  1. Carolene Brubaker

    Please REJECT H.R. 5203, the “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016

    I support refugees and others fleeing violence and persecution, and I urge the Representative to REJECT H.R. 5203, the “Visa Integrity and Security Act of 2016” that is being considered by the House Judiciary Committee. H.R. 5203 would jeopardize the lives of refugees, asylees, and immigrants around the world and significantly impair U.S. refugee resettlement and asylum programs. It would significantly delay family reunification or permanently separate families forever, and undermine U.S. leadership to protect the most vulnerable. This bill runs counter to our values as Americans and does not represent the welcoming communities around the country. Please oppose H.R. 5203

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