Urge Your Elected Officials to Sign On in Support of Refugees

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (http://www.interfaithimmigration.org):

In anticipation of the FY19 presidential determination this fall, IRAP, Amnesty, HIAS, and LIRS have put together a sign-on letter for state and local elected officials to express their support for refugees in their communities and for a PD of at least 75,000.

You may recall that we did a very similar letter last year, and with everyone’s combined efforts we were able to get well over 200 signatures from across the country, including 2 governors. We’re hoping to go even bigger this year, with at least 500 signatures and representation from all 50 states. To maximize participation, we’ve again left the letter unbranded (it has neither the RCUSA brand nor any of our individual brands on it). The letter will be open to sign-ons until Tuesday, July 31.

Please feel free to share this with your elected officials: here is the sign-on link with the letter: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCN8KgDuEVLWMe7hqkN9p1lacUncV7qz7tC8cDNtEAAtk3JA/viewform?usp=sf_link

Here is a one-pager toolkit for reaching out to elected officials via phone or email.

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