There’s An Election This Year—Make Sure You are Registered to Vote!

From the Voter Participation Center (

We’ve got two big pieces of news from the Voter Participation Center that we’re happy to share with you.

First, we’re extremely proud to announce that we’ve passed the milestone of 3 million voters registered since our founding in 2004. That’s three million American citizens from across this great nation who are able to cast a ballot, make their voices heard in our democracy, and make a difference.

Voter reg

Even more exciting: that number is going to get even larger before November’s general election. In our 2016 voter registration program, we’ve already seen almost half a million people return their voter registration applications, and we’re still only part of the way through our 2016 plans!

The Rising American Electorate will make up the majority of Americans eligible to vote in 2016, and we’re doing our best to help them register and vote.

Second, we’re also happy to roll out an all-new, revamped version of the Voter Participation Center website!

VRC web

In addition to giving the site a much-needed graphic upgrade to better reflect the character, strength, and diversity of the Rising American Electorate, we’ve also completely reorganized it to make it easier to find what you’re looking for.

Check your voter registration or register to vote using our easy online forms, learn about our innovative voter registration and turnout programs, get the latest updates on voting rights and voter access, and find out how you can partner with us as we strive to make American democracy stronger.

Share the new website with your family and friends online, and — most importantly — make sure they’re registered to vote!

But we think it’s important to acknowledge that we couldn’t reach these milestones without your ongoing support: your notes of encouragement, your helping us to spread the word, and your continued generous financial contributions to our ongoing efforts to help the Rising American Electorate raise their voices in our democracy.

We’re truly honored and humbled to have such devoted partners, allies, and supporters. Thank you for everything you do for VPC and for the country we love.

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