Tell US Department of the Interior to Create an Ambitious Conservation and Stewardship Atlas

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From Creation Justice Ministries (

Did you know the United States has set a goal to protect and conserve 30% of its lands and waters by the year 2030. This goal, called “30×30” is important in the midst of the degradation of God’s creation from climate change and extraction.

The Department of the Interior is developing an Atlas for the 30×30 goal that will outline the specifics of how to reach the goal and what measures “count” as conservation. The roadmap outlined by the Atlas could result in ambitious and transformative conservation measures or it could reinforce the status quo. In other words, the Atlas is a moral document. It will have huge implications for the wellbeing of God’s planet and people for generations to come.

Will you send a letter to the Department of the Interior encouraging them to create an ambitious Conservation and Stewardship Atlas? Submit your comment at

Department of the Interior
Notice 2021-0016 (87 FR 235)
Request for Information To Inform Interagency Efforts To Develop the American Conservation and Stewardship Atlas

As a Christian, I care deeply about God’s creation — both planet and people. Through the Conservation and Stewardship Atlas, the Biden Administration has an opportunity to outline a roadmap to better protect, restore, and rightly share God’s creation, both on land and at sea. In this moment of climate-driven degradation of communities and places, we face physical, social, and spiritual challenges. This Atlas presents a profound moral opportunity to address these challenges and create a more beautiful America. By creating safe and close-to-home opportunities for all Americans to enjoy the outdoors – no matter where they live – and by protecting the ecosystems we all need to survive, President Biden can help address and remedy the crisis facing God’s creation…

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