Tell PA Senators to Oppose Bill that Reduces Fuel Economy Standards

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From Interfaith Power and Light (

President Trump recently announced that he will take the United States out of the historic Paris Climate Agreement supported by nearly every other nation on earth. This agreement is an example of international cooperation that would protect our common home. In addition, Trump and some in Congress are trying to weaken or eliminate the laws that will help the United States reduce its global warming emissions.

Legislation introduced recently by Senator Roy Blunt (R-MO) and others would weaken federal fuel economy standards. The bill – S. 1273 – is an attempt by the automakers to roll back clean car and fuel economy standards that are reducing pollution and saving drivers money at the pump. This bill would actually give automakers the green light to sell less fuel-efficient vehicles.

Urge our Senators not to support this bill at

As people of faith, we need to speak up and let our elected leaders know they have to address the climate crisis. Our cars and trucks are one of the biggest sources of air and climate pollution. We cannot afford to move backwards on clean cars.

Strong fuel efficiency standards reduce air pollution and protect the climate for future generations. Unfortunately, the auto industry is focused on trying to weaken the laws instead of developing innovative new technologies to make cars and trucks more fuel-efficient.

Automakers, the Trump administration and some in Congress are trying to chip away at the fuel efficiency standards, showing that they have no interest in meeting their obligations to their consumers or to the environment—it’s critical that we tell our elected leaders that this is unacceptable.

We are doing our part to reduce our carbon emissions in our homes and congregations. We need the auto industry to do their part and provide the most fuel-efficient cars and trucks possible.

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