Senate Calls Needed Today and Throughout the Weekend to Strengthen SNAP’s Stimulus/Health Impact

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From the Food Research and Action Center (

Now that H.R. 6201 – Families First Coronavirus Response Act has been signed into law, Congress must immediately pass a comprehensive stimulus package that will both stabilize the economy and provide direct aid to individuals and families during this public health and economic crisis. The Senate is still in session and is negotiating an economic stimulus package that is expected to respond to the economic upheaval that is gripping the country. Included in those conversations among Senate leadership are SNAP and the nutrition programs.

Act TODAY! Call Senator Bob Casey and Senator Pat Toomey at (202) 224-3121 (Capitol Switchboard) or email them to urge that any COVID-19 economic recovery package must build on SNAP’s economic stimulus effects by 

1.    boosting SNAP maximum benefits by 15 percent;
2.    increasing the minimum SNAP benefit from $16 to $30; and
3.    suspending all SNAP administrative rules that would terminate or weaken benefits.

Alternatively, you can call directly—find contact information:

These temporary provisions should be continued until the economy improves. There are other measures being negotiated through appropriations that would provide additional commodity support, targeted relief to the Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations (FDPIR), additional funding for older adult nutrition programs, additional funding to support state and local WIC programs and CACFP sponsoring organizations, and administrative support to states that are already seeing strains on their systems. We support all of these efforts as well.

Check out FRAC’s page, Preparing for the Impacts of the Coronavirus on Health, Well-being, and Food Security, which provides up-to-date information on legislation, bill summaries, policies, and other important news.

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