Tell Your Representative to Support the For the People Act

From Common Cause (

Congress must finally do what it takes to make our democracy work for everyone. Tell your Representative in Congress to support the For the People Act today at

On January 21 we honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man whose living example represented democracy at its finest — organizing people together to fight for equity and justice.

It was also the nine-year anniversary of the Supreme Court’s Citizens United ruling — one of our democracy’s lowest points that put our elections up for sale to corporations and special interests.

One anniversary represents the freedom to fully participate in our society — and calls for recommitting ourselves to the still-ongoing fight to dismantle racism. The other represents the exact opposite — but has also sparked a powerful movement for a democracy where everyone has the right to participate, every vote is counted, and everyone’s voice is heard.

We can carry that work forward by demanding that our democracy finally lives up to its promise. The new House majority has taken up the For the People Act as its first order of business — a groundbreaking package of democracy reforms that would give each of us the voice we deserve.

It’s up to us to speak out for what’s right. Thank your member of Congress for co-sponsoring the For the People Act — or demand they do so now.

The For the People Act addresses some of the most pressing issues facing our democracy.

From calling for the Voting Rights Act’s restoration and making voter registration automatic, to empowering small donor-funded candidates and making campaign contributions more transparent, this bill will put control of our government back into the hands of the people.

We’ve been remarkably successful in this campaign so far — with 225 House members already signing on as co-sponsors.

Now, we need to hold the line — and make sure this powerful package of democracy solutions doesn’t get watered down or lost in the shuffle.

This is an unprecedented opportunity — to lock down the new House majority on the record for our reform agenda.

Special interest lobbyists are already at work behind the scenes trying to undermine us. They have a lot to lose, and won’t let go of the status quo that gives them so much power without a fight. And if our elected officials don’t hear a powerful show of support from voters like you and me — our opponents just might get their way.

That’s why we need you to contact your elected official today. Let them know that you are watching — and that the time to step up is now.

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