Tell Our Senators to Support Investment in People, Making Wealthy & Corporations Pay Fair Share

From the Coalition on Human Needs (

The Senate could vote as early as this week on critical legislation, which is expected to allocate $3.5 trillion to invest in people, families and communities. These long overdue investments would be paid for by making the rich and corporations finally pay their fair share.

With the Senate split 50-50, this will be very close, likely coming down to just a handful of senators. But because this can be done through budget reconciliation, with just 51 votes needed to pass (with Vice President Kamala Harris serving as the tiebreaker), this is a fight we can win!

We must apply maximum pressure to demand the Senate invest in human needs, not continue to fall short on investments in our future. Can you take 1-minute to write to our Senators at so they understand people in every state are demanding they vote ‘yes’ on this long-overdue investment?

Republicans, and some moderate Democrats, say we can’t afford the investments needed in our communities and our future. They’d rather protect the Trump tax cuts for the wealthy. But the reality is we can’t afford NOT to invest in our future.

We can afford these essential investments when the rich and corporations finally pay their fair share in taxes. These investments will create jobs and address racial and economic inequities including housing, child care, immigration, lifting children out of poverty, funding eldercare, environmental justice, and more.

Take a moment and send a letter to your Senators calling on them to advance our shared priorities. Tell them to pass at least a $3.5 trillion budget to invest in people, families and communities—paid for by making the rich and corporations pay their fair share.

Thank you for all you do to demand accountability from our political leaders and to fight for the needs of working families, the vulnerable, the sick and the poor.

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