Tell Our Senators to Support the For the People Act Now

From Interfaith Power and Light (

“And so if the American dream is to be a reality, we must work to make it a reality and realize the urgency of the moment.” -Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., July 4th, 1965

From this country’s founding, there have been people of faith calling on our leaders to make the American dream a reality. And once again, we find ourselves in just such a moment of urgency. Already this year, over 40 states have introduced voter suppression laws, violating the call so many of our traditions share to value every voice.

These laws disproportionately affect voters of color, young voters, poor voters—the same people most harmed by fossil fuel infrastructure, climate change, and environmental injustice. Their voices and votes must be heard, not stifled. Democracy is key to fighting climate change.

That’s why this July 4th, we’re asking you to tell your senators to support the For the People Act of 2021 at This important legislation would protect and expand voting rights, shine a light on dark money in political campaigns, and limit partisan gerrymandering. It has already passed the House, and now we need the Senate to pass it — with a simple majority vote.

Will you contact your senators to let them know you support this important legislation?

As we celebrate the birth of our country, let’s honor the sacred right to vote which is at the heart of our democracy.  This bill is also an important step in addressing the climate crisis. It will:

  • Shine a light on “dark money” from the fossil fuel industry. The oil and gas industry spent about $140 million last year trying to get their preferred candidates elected, much of it through super PACs that disguise the identity of the giver. The For the People Act would bring this money into the light of day by requiring those PACs disclose the names of individuals giving more than $10,000.
  • Make sure everyone’s vote counts. Valuing all people, not just the powerful, is a basic tenet of both our faith traditions and any functioning democracy. By ending partisan gerrymandering, when lawmakers draw district boundaries for unfair political advantage, this bill would prevent our neighbors having their votes diluted. In a democracy voters choose their representatives, not the other way around!
  • Protect the rights of Black voters and Black churches. A new law in Georgia initially aimed to eliminate early voting on Sundays—the day many Black churches hold “souls to the polls” drives. That provision was ultimately dropped after national backlash, but many other new restrictions in Georgia and beyond target Black, Indigenous, and people of color voters, through discriminatory voter identification laws. Other laws make it harder to vote, both by mail and in person, and some even ban poll workers from handing out water to voters waiting in line. The For the People Act would protect and expand early voting and vote by mail, and require states to ensure fair and equitable access to the ballot.

For our communities, for our climate, and for our democracy, we hope you’ll take a minute this July 4th to meet the urgency of the moment, and bring  the American dream a step closer to reality. Urge your senators to support S.1, the For the People Act.

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