Tell Your PA Representative to Oppose Judicial Gerrymandering

From the Pennsylvania Budget and Policy Center (

In a very close vote, PA House Bill 38 (the constitutional amendment to change how we conduct judicial elections) passed the judiciary committee, and now moves to the full House for a vote ”

This legislation is an attack on the independence of our state’s highest courts. It is a threat to our democracy, as it would allow legislators to create districts for judicial elections to give one or another party an advantage.

We need to stop it.

If you have already taken action, ask 5 friends to do so.

If you haven’t yet taken action, we need your voice now.

Take action here:

This amendment would disenfranchise 9 million PA voters and give legislators unchecked power over who is elected to the courts, further politicizing the judicial branch that supposed to act as an impartial system of checks and balances.

This legislation passed the Senate and the House last year, and is now in its second consecutive session as constitutional amendments need to pass the full legislature twice. It needs to be stopped here. The independence of our courts and our very democracy is at stake.

Though the bill passed the judiciary committee, the narrow vote margin shows us how much our emails, calls, and tweets matter. We need your help to increase the volume and ensure every legislator hears that their constituents want them to vote NO on this attempt to gerrymander our judicial elections.

Take action here:

With just a few clicks, you can send an email, use the click-to-call page to easily call your legislators, and even tweet to them using this tool!

The proposed change to our PA Constitution would silence every voter in the Commonwealth. Pennsylvania’s voters would no longer have a say in the selection or retention of every appellate judge who would be the ultimate and final say on cases about our lives and communities.

Thank you so much for your ongoing advocacy on this issue. Through webinars, teach-ins, and Zoom calls we’ve been preparing for this moment if it came. Now’s the time to get loud and make sure we STOP House Bill 38 and STOP judicial gerrymandering!

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