Tell the EPA to Get PFAS Out of Plastics

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From PennEnvironment (

New research finds that the plastic food containers we use every day could be leaching toxic PFAS “forever” chemicals.1

We need to get these substances out of our products. But in the words of a plastics industry consultant, “The packaging industry is glacially slow to change, so the EPA … has to say ‘No, you can’t do this.'”2

Let’s make that happen: Tell the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to ban PFAS in food contact surfaces, including plastics, at

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, or PFAS, are everywhere. They wick water and oils and resist high temperatures — so manufacturers use them to make everything from nonstick pans, to water-resistant jackets, to grease-free food wrappers, to firefighting foam.3

But the quality that makes them popular also allows them to stick around in waterways and ecosystems without breaking down. After decades of accumulation, today an estimated 200 million Americans could be drinking water contaminated with these “forever” chemicals.4

And unfortunately, PFAS are as toxic as they are durable and ubiquitous. They’ve been linked to cancer, low birth-weight babies, kidney disease and a laundry list of other health problems.5

Now, new research has found dangerous levels of PFAS in many plastic containers — and are leaching the substances into our food and beverages.

Tell the EPA: Require plastics companies to get PFAS out of their products.

In 2019, our national network helped win a ban on firefighting foams containing PFAS on military bases. And this year, we sent thousands of messages urging President Biden’s EPA to limit the dumping of these substances into our waterways. The EPA has laid out a roadmap for tackling PFAS, which is an important step forward, but so far their plan doesn’t directly address PFAS in food packaging.6

Now, we need your help. If enough of us make our voices heard, we have a chance to stop a potentially catastrophic source of toxic PFAS.

Take action.

  1. Tom Perkins, “Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ are contaminating plastic food containers,” The Guardian, July 9, 2021.
  2. Tom Perkins, “Toxic ‘forever chemicals’ are contaminating plastic food containers,” The Guardian, July 9, 2021.
  3. Lynne Peeples, “‘Forever chemicals’ pollute water from Alaska to Florida,” The Guardian, December 22, 2020.
  4. Lynne Peeples, “‘Forever chemicals’ pollute water from Alaska to Florida,” The Guardian, December 22, 2020.
  5. Lynne Peeples, “‘Forever chemicals’ pollute water from Alaska to Florida,” The Guardian, December 22, 2020.
  6. Lisa Friedman, “Biden administration plans new regulations for ‘forever chemicals,'” The New York Times, October 18, 2021.

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