Tell Congress to Strengthen and Expand Social Security

From the Coalition on Human Needs (

For 86 years, Social Security has delivered every monthly check in full and on time. But if no action is taken, all beneficiaries will see a 20% cut in benefits by 2034.

Thankfully, there’s something Congress can do.

Did you know that millionaires and billionaires paid everything they owed into Social Security for this year back in February? When the wealthy start paying into Social Security on virtually all of their income like most working people do, we can afford to strengthen the Social Security Trust Fund and expand benefits for millions of Americans.

On the 86th anniversary of Franklin D. Roosevelt signing Social Security into law, please sign the petition to Congress at to strengthen and expand Social Security―and pay for it by making the wealthy pay their fair share.

Social Security serves 65 million Americans each year. But, because Congress has failed to match Social Security’s benefits to real living costs, 5 million seniors still live in poverty.

In fact, 1 in 6 beneficiaries rely on Social Security for 90% or more of their income.

We’re demanding Congress act to:

  • Increase benefits for all Social Security beneficiaries
  • Improve the COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) to better reflect the actual needs of seniors and people with disabilities
  • Ensure no one retires into poverty after a full career of work
  • Improve benefits for surviving spouses, restore student benefits for dependent children of disabled, deceased or retired workers, and increase benefits for children living with grandparents or relatives
  • Provide caregiver credits for those who must leave the workforce to care for a loved one
  • Ensure millionaires and billionaires pay their fair share, and apply FICA contributions to incomes over $400,000

Join the Coalition on Human Needs and our national allies in demanding Congress act to strengthen and expand Social Security. Sign the petition today >>

In the face of relentless attacks on our earned benefits from Wall Street and conservatives in Congress, we’re fighting to expand benefits for millions of Americans and fulfill FDR’s promise that no one should live in poverty.

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