Tell Congress to Show Support for TPS

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From the Interfaith Immigration Coalition (

Over the past year, the Trump administration has ended Temporary Protected Status (TPS) for hundreds of thousands of immigrants, putting them at risk for deportation. Since 1990, TPS has granted protection from deportation to people from certain countries afflicted by war, natural disaster, or other dangerous conditions.

Ending TPS would harm communities across the country. Most TPS holders have lived in U.S. for years or decades—long enough to start families, establish careers, and become vital parts of our communities. Now, they face the threat of being sent back to unsafe conditions.

Urge them to attend a July 17th congressional briefing on TPS and to stop the Trump administration from dismantling this life-saving program.

We have a moral obligation to ensure that people seeking protection are not ripped apart from the community that they have come to call home. Many TPS holders also have U.S. citizen children. Now they may face the painful decision of returning to their country of origin and being separated from their children—or bringing them into harm’s way.

Ending TPS is one of a series of attacks that are part of Trump’s racist, anti-immigrant agenda, and it’s critical that our elected officials do all that they can to push back.

Our members of Congress should show up to our congressional briefing to hear from TPS holders and their families about the importance of TPS—and the consequences of its termination—in their lives. They’ll also learn about legislation that offers permanent residency for all TPS recipients, like the American Promise Act of 2017 and the SECURE Act.

Tell your representatives to act now to save TPS. Urge them to show support for TPS holders by attending our congressional briefing and by passing legislation that would offer citizenship for all TPS holders.

We must continue to stand strong against these attacks and call for policies that welcome and respect all people.

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