Tell Congress to Pass a Green/Just Infrastructure Package

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From Interfaith Power and Light (

This summer, Congress will negotiate a once-in-a-generation infrastructure package that will determine whether our country transitions to a clean energy economy and averts catastrophic climate change, or whether we lock in out-of-control pollution, economic and racial inequality, and natural systems on the brink of collapse.

That may sound extreme, but the stakes are that high. This may be our last best chance for a livable climate. Scientists have told us we have less than a decade to put policies in place that bend the emissions curve sharply downward, to keep total warming to no more than 1.5 degree Centigrade.

That’s why people of faith and conscience from all over the country are meeting with their elected representatives this week and urging them to vote for an infrastructure package that tackles climate change. Meetings with Congressmembers from both sides of the aisle have left us encouraged. It appears we have a real chance for meaningful action – but they need to hear from you.

Please go to to urge your reps in the House and Senate to pass a green and just infrastructure package and expedite the transition to a clean energy economy.

Extreme weather events are becoming the new normal. The devastating winter storms of February and the massive wildfires of 2020 demonstrate the urgent need to upgrade our electrical grid and water infrastructure. Lives are needlessly being lost, and entire communities are being wiped out.

Join the interfaith chorus for climate justice by contacting your representative today.

Here are the infrastructure package priorities we are communicating to Congress:

  • Modernize the grid and expand clean, renewable energy sources

We must be better prepared for climate-fueled disasters. We can do that by modernizing our electrical grid, increasing its climate resiliency and ensuring it is prepared for a future with solar panels on every roof and wind turbines across the country. Now is the time for a national Clean Energy Standard to get to 100% net-zero climate pollution in electricity by 2035.

  • Upgrade our water infrastructure to ensure clean, pure water for all

Too many communities, especially in low-wealth neighborhoods and Indigenous communities, don’t have access to clean water. We must invest in lead pipe remediation, as well as programs that help expand clean water access in rural communities.

  • Electrify transportation and expand public transit

The transportation sector is the largest source of carbon pollution in the U.S. We must speed up the transition to electric vehicles—from cars, to school buses, to commercial trucks and more. We also need to invest in battery technology and manufacturing, while making electric vehicles affordable and charging stations accessible to all.

Please tell your representatives how important it is to you that they act now.

As noted at the beginning of this email, the stakes are high. But a sustainable future with a thriving Creation, a more fair economy, and environmental and racial justice is possible. This is a moral opportunity to protect our climate and improve the lives of Americans for generations to come. Thank you for taking action today.

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