Support the Postal Service Reform Act to Protect the USPS

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From the Coalition on Human Needs (

Americans, regardless of whether they are from “blue states” or “red states,” are reliant on the Postal Service, particularly in rural regions, to help keep their communities connected, and to help deliver prescriptions to seniors and veterans.

Join CHN and our national coalition at by sending a message to your senators and representative today to demand Congress protect the USPS by passing the Postal Service Reform Act!

The Postal Service Reform Act would: eliminate the draconian pre-funding mandate that requires the USPS to fund retiree benefits for postal employees not even born yet; integrate postal retirees into Medicare; and enable the USPS to offer non-postal services like fishing licenses that will generate new revenue.

We must allow the USPS to innovate and plan for the future. Passing this legislation will help us get there.

The good news: This critical legislation is already making its way through Congress. In fact, the bill was already marked up in the House Oversight Committee this summer—and is just waiting for a vote from the full House of Representatives!

Together, we’re generating grassroots pressure in every state, demanding Congress act.

Will you take 1 minute to write to your members of Congress today to urge them to pass the Postal Service Reform Act?

Members of Congress will only act when they hear directly from the people. We need to raise our voices, together, to demand they act before it’s too late. The U.S. Postal Service has been an essential part of our country since our nation’s founding, and this legislation will put the USPS on solid financial footing for the 21st century.

Thank you for all you do to demand accountability from our political leaders and to fight for the needs of working families, the vulnerable, the sick and the poor.

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