Share How Unemployment Insurance Is Helping You and Your Family

From Moms Rising (

If you haven’t done so, please sign our letter to the U.S. Senate at calling on them to extend the $600 per week unemployment insurance (UI) benefits boost and take action right away to protect unemployed workers.

Then we need you to take one more very important step! Can you go to to share how unemployment insurance is helping you and your family during this health and economic crisis? (You can even submit your story anonymously if you want)

Why do your stories matter? Personal experiences are powerful and can make a HUGE difference in helping elected leaders understand why taking critical steps—like passing an extension and improvements to UI—are essential to the health and well-being of our communities, families, and economy. We are coming up against a very important deadline on July 31st when the $600 per week enhanced benefits are set to expire. We need the Senate leadership, as well as your Senators in Pennsylvania, to take this seriously and prioritize extending unemployment insurance until our economy is stable and more people are able to safely go back to work.

Our experiences are powerful and necessary for lawmakers to hear. because—despite what economists from both sides of the aisle are predicting in terms of our floundering economy and record unemployment numbers—President Trump and his GOP allies, including Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, are pumping the brakes on any further action to assist those out of work. The $600 is critical to those out of work because it provides, for many, for full wage replacement versus the usual 30-50% wage replacement people would normally see with Unemployment Insurance. [1] The $600 is also critical to rebuilding our economy, which is based on consumer-spending. This is another case of our President being out of touch with the struggles of America’s families.

***SHARE YOUR STORY with MomsRising and elected leaders in Pennsylvania! (you can even submit your story anonymously if you want)

The clock is ticking. We need to share the experiences of real people (like you!) with elected leaders about how UI is helping families during this pandemic. We need to lift up those stories to apply pressure to members of Congress to take action before the July 31st deadline to extend not only the $600 per week bump in federal UI benefits, but also make other necessary changes to UI to guarantee that all struggling workers and their families are able to make ends meet during this difficult time. It’s important for our leaders to hear about how much UI is making a difference in people’s lives and make decisions based on what families really need vs. arbitrary deadlines or political interests. You can even share your story anonymously if you want.

***SHARE YOUR UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE STORY with MomsRising so we can continue to powerfully fight for struggling workers and families.

Not accessing UI yourself? That is ok! Forward this email to any friends or family members that are being boosted by UI right now. Sadly, we all know someone who is out of work right now, so can you reach out to your friends and see if they can share their story with us as well? You can also post our story page on Facebook.

We appreciate you so much! Your strength and perseverance during this pandemic is so admirable. When we raise our voices together, we are loud and are able to create the type of change all our families need in this moment and beyond!

[1] “How does unemployment insurance work? And how is it changing during the coronavirus pandemic.” Brookings, April 7, 2020. 

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