Season of Creation: Focus on Public Lands

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From Creation Justice Ministries (

Each week during the Season of Creation, we are focusing on one part of our shared ministry for God’s Creation. This week, we focus on our public lands. Our public lands can provide a sanctuary for us to retreat to for spiritual and physical renewal. In the Bible, wilderness areas have often served as places for people to go and discover God. In the Gospels, Jesus would often retreat into the wilderness for times of prayer and solitude.

About Our Work

The Creation Justice community has been active in the establishment and protection of wilderness areas, monuments, parks, and wildlife refuges. We support public policies which protect public lands such as the Land and Water Conservation Fund, the Wilderness Act, and the Antiquities Act of 1906. The Creation Justice community pays special attention to places that are considered sacred by their current or ancestral inhabitants. For example, the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge encompasses the “sacred place where life begins,” which is the site of the creation story known to the Gwich’in people.


This week, we celebrate the third birthday of the Northeast Canyons and Seamounts Marine National Monument. The Creation Justice community was instrumental in building the momentum to establish this first national monument in the Atlantic Ocean and the only national monument established with a primary goal of supporting marine climate science. Unfortunately, marine sanctuary protections are in danger of being rolled back. Please write to your members of Congress in support of marine sanctuary protections at

Featured Education Resource: Out of the Wilderness: Building Christian Faith and Keeping God’s Creation

Public Lands Partner to Watch:

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks: This is a grassroots, student-led ministry started in Yellowstone National Park in 1951. They work to provide a Christian Community for those who are visiting our National Parks.

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