Say Welcome to All Refugees

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From Amnesty International USA (

It was just over a year ago that President Trump took office and decided to wage a legislative war on immigrants, Muslims and refugees.

While the Statue of Liberty bears a tablet that reads “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,” the Trump administration’s attitude toward some of the world’s most marginalized populations displays the opposite sentiment. Take Action now at if you stand against Trump’s anti-immigrant policies and say welcome to all refugees!

For 120 days, Trump sought to completely block all refugees from entering the country. He admitted only half the number of refugees in 2017 as compared to 2016, and tried to ban people from Muslim-majority nations from entering our country.

Take a solid stance with us: say you welcome all refugees now.

President Trump’s message to immigrants and asylum seekers? Get out and stay out. Families have been ripped apart at the border or thrown behind bars in family detention centers.

President Trump is also taking advantage of widespread sympathy for 800,000 young, undocumented immigrants in the US – known as ‘DREAMers’ – using them as a bargaining chip to build a border wall and increase border militarization.

Fortunately activists are responding to this onslaught of destruction upon our society. DREAMers have taken Washington DC by storm with direct actions and civil disobedience, demanding their rights.

On the 4th of July, planes could be seen flying overhead in Los Angeles and New York with trailing banners which read, “Refugees Welcome.”

The past year has been a time of resilience. Our communities and our movements will only become stronger this year. Take the first step with us now and say “I Welcome.”


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