Redistricting Day of Action—July 11, Mt. Wolf (or send message to Gov. Wolf)

From Fair Districts PA (

Fair Districts PA will gathering in Mt. Wolf, PA on Wednesday, July 11 at Noon.

If you can’t be there: Send the Governor an email at asking him to call a special session.

We are asking Governor Wolf to call a special session NOW.

Last week Governor Wolf promised that if our legislative leaders would compromise on redistricting reform measures sometime before the end of July, he’d call a special session so they can come back and vote on a compromise measure.

But the required advertising deadline requires that work to be done before the end of July.

We’ve been asking in every way we can for our legislature to put an independent redistricting commission in place, one that fulfills the best practices recently summarized by experts at the Brennan Center for Justice.

We’re asking Governor Wolf to help them and us by calling a special session NOW, not weeks from now, when it’s too late to get this done.

If you can, join us at noon at Wolf Community Park, Mt. Wolf, PA. We’ll park there and then walk five blocks to set up for the afternoon outside Governor Wolf’s home at the corner of Front and Center Streets. We’ll be there through the afternoon and into the evening, asking, one last time, for help in ensuring fair districts for the next decade and beyond.

Whatever happens: please don’t lose heart and don’t give up!

We’ve educated far more people, gained far more attention and made more progress on this than anyone imagined possible.

Whatever happens in the last few days before this summer deadline, there are other things we can do. We’ll be exploring and prioritizing other legislative options, focusing even more attention on this issue, and calling attention in greater detail to the tight connection between gerrymandering and our ineffective, unproductive legislature.

But for now:

Our founders stuck with their important work until it was done. We’re asking Governor Wolf to call our legislators back so they can do the same.

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