Call Congress: Protect and Rebuild Refugee Resettlement

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From Church World Service (

The Administration met with Congress on Monday October 1st to consult on refugee resettlement and set the refugee admissions goal for Fiscal Year 2019. Despite outcry from Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, the administration reiterated that they will set the goal at 30,000 – an all-time low.

It is critical that Members of Congress hear us demand that, at the very least, they hold the administration accountable to meeting the goal this year. Last year, the administration only admitted 21,000 of the 45,000 goal. This cannot happen again. We must protect refugee resettlement and rebuild the program.

Call Your Senators and Representative Today!
Go to to be connected to your 2 Senators and 1 Representative; alternatively, contact them directly—find contact information:

Here’s a sample script: “I’m your constituent from [CITY/TOWN], and I am outraged that the administration has set the lowest refugee admissions goal in the history of the resettlement program – at just 30,000. I urge you to do everything in your power to see that, at the very least, the administration meets this goal. Last year the administration resettled less than half of its 45,000 goal, and this cannot happen again. Resettlement is a core American legacy that allows refugees to rebuild their lives. My community welcomes refugees, and I urge you to reflect the best of our nation by supporting refugee resettlement.”

Feel free to share a personal story about standing in solidarity with refugees. Let them know the specific ways that refugees contribute and are welcomed into your community.

You can also tweet at your Senators and Representatives and the administration (Twitter handles below). Here are some sample Twitter and Facebook messages:

CWS’s statement is available here. For more information, please visit:

PA Twitter Handles

  • Bob Casey: @SenBobCasey
  • Pat Toomey: @SenToomey
  • Bob Brady (PA-1): @RepBrady
  • Dwight Evans (PA-2): @RepDwightEvans
  • Mike Kelly (PA-3): @MikeKellyPA
  • Scott Perry (PA-4): @RepScottPerry
  • Glenn Thompson (PA-5): @CongressmanGT
  • Ryan Costello (PA-6): @RepRyanCostello
  • PA-7: Vacant
  • Brian Fitzpatrick (PA-8): @RepBrianFitz
  • Bill Shuster (PA-9): @RepBillShuster
  • Tom Marino (PA-10): @RepTomMarino
  • Lou Barletta (PA-11): @RepLouBarletta
  • Keith Rothfus (PA-12): @RepRothfus
  • Brendan Boyle (PA-13): @CongBoyle
  • Mike Doyle (PA-14): @USRepMikeDoyle
  • PA 15: Vacant
  • Lloyd Smucker (PA-16): @RepSmucker
  • Matt Cartwright (PA-17): @RepCartwright
  • Conor Lamb (PA-18): @ConorLambPA

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