Submit Pictures of Your Favorite Small Business Forced to Close Because of COVID

From We the People PA: (

Pennsylvania’s workers and small businesses were among those hit the hardest by the pandemic. Many people lost their jobs. Some couldn’t work because of the threat of getting COVID or a lack of child care. And, small businesses closed due to a lack of revenue or the inability to pay their workers sufficient wages. All of this makes it clear that any recovery from the pandemic in Pennsylvania must include support for these two groups.

Legislators who claim to support working families and small businesses seem to disagree, however, because so far they’ve refused to spend a single penny of the American Rescue Plan funds on providing aid to the people who need it the most. This is tax-payer money that was returned to the people of Pennsylvania to be used to help us recover from the pandemic. Instead, billions of dollars now sit in the Republicans’ vault, and they’ve shown that they prefer to play politics instead of doing their duty to support the people of the commonwealth.

Meanwhile, all across the state, small businesses are closing down due to this lack of support. People are still out of work even though their unemployment benefits have expired. While Republicans in the PA Legislature treat our taxpayer dollars as a political football, time is running out for workers and small businesses across the state. We need to make sure that nobody forgets the Republicans’ lack of action with so many people in need.

To do this, we need YOUR help! Everywhere we go in Pennsylvania, we’ve seen beloved and longstanding family businesses shuttered due to the pandemic. These family-owned businesses should have been helped using the American Rescue Plan funding, and we need to let everyone know this. So, we are asking our supporters to take a picture of their favorite small businesses—the ones that have tragically had to shut down over the past year and a half—and send that picture to us along with a brief blurb including the address and a couple sentences about the business. It’s important to include the business addresses so we can ensure the proper legislators (and all their constituents) see the results of their failure to act.

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