Support Petition to Stop Mountaintop Removal Mining

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From I Love Mountains (

On April 9th the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Energy and Mineral Resources held a hearing on “Health and Environmental Impacts of Mountaintop Removal Coal Mining.” Impacted community members around Central Appalachia have waited over a decade for Congress to hold such a hearing.

Carl Shoupe, of Benham, Kentucky, shared his story of protecting his hometown from encroaching surface mining. He spoke of the problems many of his friends around Eastern Kentucky face because of surface mining. Currently, he is working to protect his community through a Lands Unsuitable for Mining Petition. Please voice your support for the petition at!

Dr. Michael McCawley spoke of the research on the impacts of blasting and dust on human health, saying, “The findings of epidemic scale chronic health effects in the mountaintop removal areas is, unfortunately, unsurprising. . .The coal miners working in, and the citizens living near these mountaintop mine operations have suffered the consequences of these operations for too long.”

Donna Branham, of Lenore, West Virginia, described a lifetime of living next door to surface mines. She explained the drastic changes to the landscape and increasing health problems she witnessed in her community through her work in nursing. She wants to see an end to destructive surface mining. Tell the president to end mountaintop removal coal mining.

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