New Poll Shows Pennsylvanians Value Pre-K Education

From Pre-K for PA (

PPC and other principal partners of Pre-K for PA this week released the findings of a recent poll commissioned by the campaign and conducted by Harper Polling that shows 75 percent of likely voters support increasing funding to expand access to high-quality, publicly funded pre-kindergarten. 

In fact, support for pre-k has swelled to near consensus!

Every single voting demographic in the state favors expanded access to pre-k by at least a two-to-one margin. And it doesn’t end there. It turns out that Pennsylvanians value pre-k education for its proven benefits to the child and the commonwealth, and they’re willing to dig a little deeper to support it. 

Sixty-four percent of Pennsylvanians said they would pay an extra $50 in taxes to fund pre-k, which would equal a .01 increase in PIT (personal income tax) for the average Pennsylvania taxpayer. 

The poll results speak for themselves. Now, it’s up to policymakers to support the $40 million for pre-k programs in the 2018-19 budget proposal to expand access to high-quality, publicly funded pre-k to more than 4,400 new students. Currently more than 106,200 eligible children do not have access to high-quality, publicly funded pre-k due to limited state funding.

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