Information on Pennsylvania School Closures

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From Education Voters of Pennsylvania (

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On Friday, March 13, Governor Wolf announced that all public K-12 Pennsylvania schools and school district run pre-k programs will be closed for the next two weeks.

Schools will not be required to make up the ten missed school days and no district will be penalized if it fails to meet the 180-day or school hours requirements.

The Pennsylvania Department of Education (PDE) received a waiver from the U.S. Department of Agriculture, so school districts will be allowed to serve meals to qualifying students in a non-congregate setting, including offering drive-through or grab and go options.

PA Secretary of Education, Pedro Rivera, said that the state will apply for the maximum waiver from the U.S. Department of Education for accountability measures beyond the state’s control, including standardized testing and attendance requirements.  And officials at PDE will continue to work tirelessly in this rapidly evolving situation to offer guidance to districts as they move forward.

This decision to close schools received the unified support of organizations that represent teachers, school administrators, school staff, and school board members, who wrote in a statement:

We agree that this action will create an ability for better social distancing, which helps prevent the spread of the virus, and will provide schools with the opportunity to further address facility cleaning and prepare for instruction going forward, along with other outstanding issues.

Much of what will happen going forward is unknown. However, throughout the state, teachers, administrators and school staff members will be working diligently to help meet students’ needs now and to prepare for what may come next.

Many school districts have already announced that they will make meals available to students who need them, often in partnership with community organizations. Administrators are making plans to ensure the continuity of educational programming. Building staff are cleaning facilities. And the list goes on and on and on.

Our public schools aren’t just places where students go to learn. They are where many students receive nutritious food, healthcare and mental health care, and countless other supports from caring adults.  School closures in our communities will not be easy for students, families, or school staff.

We are all in this together and deeply grateful for the professionals who dedicate their time and their hearts to Pennsylvania’s students.

We are a few days into the closure of Pennsylvania’s public schools because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

As parents are home with our own children, many of us are gaining an even deeper appreciation for the hard and important work that teachers do every day, often with classes of 25 or more students.  And our children are missing their teachers and other caring adults in the buildings, including administrators and support staff.

Many school districts are providing food to students with grab and go meals. On Twitter, you can see photos from districts throughout the commonwealth that are providing meals using the hashtag #Meals4KidsInPA.

And administrators are working hard to plan to meet students’ needs, both educational and otherwise.

Right now there are probably more questions than answers as school leaders navigate an unprecedented situation.

For information about your own school district, please check your district’s web page daily for updates.

For information about state issues, the Pennsylvania Department of Education has set up the Coronavirus (COVID-19) Guidance and Resources for School Communities web page, which includes:

Help us lift up your stories

During these very difficult and stressful times, communities are coming together to support students. We and our partners from the PA Schools Work campaign are building a bank of stories and photos to document and help lift up what teachers, administrators, staff and community members are doing to support Pennsylvania’s children.

If you have a story or photos to share, please reply to this email. Videos are welcome! I am happy to answer any questions you may have and would love to share your stories—with your permission—with others throughout the state.

We are all in this together. Thank you for your support of public education.


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