Government Relations and Advocacy Manager
The Government Relations and Advocacy Manager will manage and implement the Housing Alliance’s efforts to educate state and federal policymakers on housing, homelessness, and community development. This position has a combined focus of building relationships and direct advocacy with state and federal legislators and their staff as well as building relationships and engaging with local partner organizations and people with lived experience to advance the organization’s policy agenda.
AmeriCorps VISTA – Philadelphia Job Posting
The Housing Alliance is looking for a highly motivated, self-starter to be part of its Housing Capacity AmeriCorps VISTA team, working on affordable housing, homelessness, eviction, and blight issues across Pennsylvania.
Housing Alliance AmeriCorps VISTAs serve full-time for one year, beginning on October 25, 2021. Applications are due for this position by Wednesday, September 15th, 2021.
About AmeriCorps
This position is being offered through the AmeriCorps VISTA program. Visit the AmeriCorps Vista Fit Finder for more information on the AmeriCorps VISTA program, qualifications, and benefits.
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