Sign Petition: Enact National Moratorium on Foreclosures and Evictions

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Sign the petition to Congress at Implement a national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions.

As more and more cities and states opt to close restaurants, bars, theatres, and non-essential businesses to flatten the curve and slow the spread of coronavirus, many workers are suddenly facing housing insecurity.

No one should have to worry about losing their home during this unexpected crisis.

Low-wage workers, tipped workers, and others in industries that cannot telecommute should not bear the burden of facing eviction or foreclosure when they may already struggle to put food on the table for their families or access health care due to lost wages.

Housing is a human right. Sign if you agree that Congress must take action to protect workers and families from losing their homes.

As Congress continues to respond to the pandemic, it is crucial that lawmakers include a national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions in relief bills.

Such a moratorium must not only prevent new foreclosures and evictions, but halt those currently in progress as well.

A number of cities and counties across the U.S. have already instituted moratoriums, but that won’t be enough. We need a sweeping, national solution to protect families and keep people safe and housed during the pandemic, laying the groundwork for affordable housing expansion once we overcome the coronavirus crisis.

Click here to sign the petition calling on Congress to implement a national moratorium on foreclosures and evictions.

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