Call on Congress to Address Immediate Housing and Health Needs of People Experiencing Homelessness and Low-Income Renters in Coronavirus Response

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From the National Low Income Housing Coalition (

Congress is working quickly to provide critical resources to help households impacted by the coronavirus pandemic, and any package must provide funding for the urgent and unique needs of people experiencing homelessness and extremely low-income renters.

Extremely low-income renters and people experiencing homelessness are often seniors, people with disabilities and/or people with underlying health conditions, making them vulnerable to severe illness from the coronavirus. These same families and individuals are likely to live in close quarters with others, be unable to implement social distancing mechanisms, and have no ability to self-isolate should they be exposed to the virus. It is not only a moral imperative that Congress provide for their needs, but also an urgent public health necessity.

Now more than ever, housing is health care.

Call your representatives and senators to urge them to address the housing and health needs of America’s lowest-income renters and people experiencing homelessness who are at the greatest risk in the coronavirus pandemic. Thanks to all of you who responded to last week’s call to action. Your calls are working – we’re making real progress on Capitol Hill! Keep the calls coming!


Congress is working quickly on several emergency relief packages that provide critical resources for households impacted by the coronavirus pandemic. Any emergency measure must include resources to ensure housing stability for low-income individuals and people experiencing homelessness.

Congress must follow the lead of Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Senate Banking Committee Ranking Member Sherrod Brown who have called for the inclusion of emergency rental and eviction-prevention assistance, as well as financial assistance directly to homelessness service providers, housing authorities, and housing-assistance providers. Congress should also put into effect a moratorium on foreclosures and evictions. For more information, see these coronavirus housing policy recommendations from NLIHC’s Disaster Housing Recovery Coalition and our webpage with up-to-date information.

Take Action

Call your senators and representatives to demand robust resources to help protect people experiencing homelessness and to allow low-income people to continue to keep roofs over their heads during and after this crisis. Find contact information:

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