Congress Closing In on Build Back Better Deal—Send a Message to Congress Today

From the Coalition on Human Needs (

Congress is on the verge of reaching a deal on the comprehensive Build Back Better investment agenda that, when passed, will invest in our families, communities and future on a scale not seen since FDR’s New Deal.

There are several details that we must keep fighting for before Congress finalizes the deal.

Can you take 1-minute to send a letter to Congress today at to demand they address these essential issues in the historic Build Back Better investment agenda?

With an agreement expected any day, CHN is fighting to ensure the rich and the corporations finally pay their fair share in taxes. We are demanding Congress make the Child Tax Credit permanent for families that need it most, and that children in immigrant families are not left out. We are working to ensure adequate funding for rental housing, particularly for people with low incomes. And, we’re fighting to keep paid family and medical leave in the legislation. Send a message to Congress today!

We must also prioritize investing in home care for the aging and people with disabilities and ensuring provisions are passed that allow Medicare to negotiate the cost of prescription drugs.

We must close the Medicaid coverage gap, which would help millions of people in a dozen states where governors have refused to expand the Affordable Care Act.

The Build Back Better human needs investment agenda won’t be complete unless it also protects immigrants who’ve lived in the United States for years ensuring their ability to fully participate in our economy through work permits and without fear of deportation.

Once complete, the legislation will help all of us. And it is especially important because it provides a once-in-a-generation opportunity to prioritize people of color, working families, and immigrants, and lift millions of children out of poverty.

We need to ensure that Congress redresses our nation’s inequities, both in its investments and in its tax policies. A tax on billionaires is being proposed, raising $250 billion from 700 ultra-rich people. It belongs in Build Back Better. Congress is on the verge of getting this job done. But we have to keep pushing!

Can you take 1-minute to send a letter to Congress today to demand they address these essential issues as they finish the job?

Congress only acts when we build powerful grassroots movements to demand action. Join us. Be a part of the movement that creates this historic, meaningful change.

Thank you for all you do to demand accountability from our political leaders and to fight for the needs of the vulnerable, the sick and the poor.

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